Friday, March 22, 2019

Black and Gray Water Waste Management

Maybe the most jarring aspect of RV living is the handling of waste. But the thing most people don’t realize is that we do that too in our own houses. Just different procedures.

What is The Difference between Black Water and Gray Water?

Let’s get the terms out of the way first. Gray water refers to the water used within the RV including the kitchen sink, bathroom sink and washing machine. The only exception is the toilet. That is where black water comes from. Black water is the liquid and solid waste from the toilet.

The RV holds both waters in two different tanks. Usually, a regular toilet in RV has the black water tank beneath it. Black water is very unsafe and must be disposed properly. Gray water, though it is not recommended for consumption, it can be filtered and used to water plants. To avoid any contamination, handling of these should be of utmost care.

Avoid Tank Clogging

Black water contains solid particles, grease and other substances that can easily block your valves. To prevent this from happening, remember to use the toilet flush correctly. It is advised to gently press on the flush halfway down and allow a good amount of water to enter the tanks before pressing the flush all the way. A regular toilet in RV typically has a pedal flush though the design varies. In addition to this, you can also use dishwashing liquid to help break down the grease inside the holding tanks. Limit your use of toilet paper too since it takes some time to break down. Remember clogging the tanks would me horrible smells lingering your RV. Or worse, it might cause a buildup and burst through your toilet!

When to Empty the Tanks?

A regular toilet in RV can be equipped with sensors which tells you how full or empty your tanks are. Try not to dump it before it is full. This is a common mistake RVers make. When you empty the black water tank when it is pretty low may cause clogging. This is due to the fact that more solid waste will be left behind. Unlike with a full tank, the water will help break down the solid waste making it easier to dump out. Keep it at least two-thirds of the capacity before dumping. Also after a fresh tank, flush the toilet once before using it. This reduces the risk of any remaining solid particles sticking to the tanks crevices.

Where to Properly Dump RV Tanks

Emptying tanks should be done through dumping stations. Dumping stations are designated areas determined by the government for emptying tanks only. Black water contains bacteria which can cause deadly diseases. Handling black water tanks should be done carefully. Use sanitation gloves for the whole procedure. After completing the task, ensure that the valve and the surrounding area is clean. Be courteous to the next user. Sanitize your tools by putting them in a bucket with bleach and covering it.

Responsible RV waste management not only protects you from illnesses, it also counters embarrassing and horrible messes.

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